Den utvalda!
Hoffmaestro- Higway Man
I am a highwayman, on the road again
Me and my guitar, and my rambling band
Staring at the road, standing in the blow
Carrying my load 'cause I know I'm gonna go my way
Look up to the sky, cities flying by
I don't wanna lie cause I'm pretty sure I'm gonna die one day
So I say the road leads back to thee
It always leads back to thee
How can I show my love so you will open your arms to me
So please won't you tell me where the road will end
Got me a bottle as my only friend
Standing in the rain, dealing with the pain
Everything's the same and it doesn't really matter what I say
Picking up the phone, come to take you home
You will say no doubts, the reality of today
Busting my thoughts fly back to thee
They always fly back to thee
Please won't you understand that without you by my side there's no me
So will you ever love me again, only time will tell
I'm in a hurry, cause they're waiting down in hell
And no matter what I say say or do
The road lead back to you,
Me and my guitar, and my rambling band
Staring at the road, standing in the blow
Carrying my load 'cause I know I'm gonna go my way
Look up to the sky, cities flying by
I don't wanna lie cause I'm pretty sure I'm gonna die one day
So I say the road leads back to thee
It always leads back to thee
How can I show my love so you will open your arms to me
So please won't you tell me where the road will end
Got me a bottle as my only friend
Standing in the rain, dealing with the pain
Everything's the same and it doesn't really matter what I say
Picking up the phone, come to take you home
You will say no doubts, the reality of today
Busting my thoughts fly back to thee
They always fly back to thee
Please won't you understand that without you by my side there's no me
So will you ever love me again, only time will tell
I'm in a hurry, cause they're waiting down in hell
And no matter what I say say or do
The road lead back to you,
(Denna låt har en personlig innebörd för mig.. Jag blir både ledsen och så glad för att få höra den... Tankarna går tillbaka .. Och en viss tår kan man skymta i ögonvrån...
Frågan som ALLTID kommer vara är Varför!?)
Postat av: kaffehörnankaffehörnan
Bra låt, ajaj låter inte trevligt när de kommer tår från dig, torkar av den
Postat av: Annah
Ibland är det skönt med sånna stunder, att man har både bra och dåliga minnen. Hoppas det inte förstör din lördag bara!
sv: är lite piggare nu, men ganska svårstartad ändå hihi :)